01 August 2011

Nice car, asshole.

The Fisker Karma is a neat car.  It's electric, actually has a useful range, and a not to be (loudly) laughed at top speed.

It's a damn shame the gummint spent so much on it, though.  I'm all for providing a growth environment for businesses, but this is retarded. It's supposed to have a starting price of about 95k, which seems pretty damned elitist for what is supposed to be a solution virtually everyone in America will have to adopt for there to be any real benefit from.  In what reasonable world would a car that costs as much as a home be accessible for most, or even a lot of, people?  If it's not a solution for the average citizen, what business is it of the government's?

This is not to imply I think the gummint needs to develop a 21st century american version of the Volkswagen.  We're nowhere near competent enough for that sort of thing. Uncle Sugar's engineering firm would undoubtedly create a car as desirable as a third hand Yugo, with all the safety features of a Pinto on meth.  Also, socialism didn't work out to well for the germans, if you recall. The government shouldn't get to pick winners.  These are the people who take a loss on selling coins.

I googled meth and this came up:

The marketing folks for KY have gotten oddly specific in their target audience.

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