08 August 2011

Festivities in London

Looks like they're having fun! Some "youths" have been playing silly buggers in london recently, in a rare example of the british stoicism and stiff-upper-lippedness falling to the wayside in exchange for shenanigans and tomfoolery.

These guys know how to party, amiright?!
 I'm sure these are just the growing pains that any open and free society must go through, and really, isn't it nicer now that there are so many different ways of expressing English culture? Multi-culturalism will save us all some day.

Looking good enough to riot over!

Still, it's not as if these hijinks ever get out of control, is it?  And it's all for a good cause, right?  They're showing THE MAN(c) that they're serious about their politics and will not stand by for hooliganism.

Let's show the man that shooting a criminal will be punished by the theft of trousers!

We'd hate for people to think we weren't serious about justice, right?  I mean it's not like innocent people are being caught up in a rabid over-reaction to the shooting death of a criminal, right?  After all, it's apparently not about that anymore, now it's about unemployment and "social justice."  We think.  For now, anyway.

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