18 August 2011

Fear the Future

Fear the very near future.  Hell, fear the damn present.  IBM was awarded a DARPA grant to create a microchip that mimiced the human brain because the military likes losing wars, or something.  So the quisling bastards built the fucker and are now celebrating our collective demise and fist bumping the terminator.

To be honest I didn't read the entire article.

The grant was part of Phase 2 of DARPA's Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) project, the goal of which, IBM said, is "to create a system that not only analyzes complex information from multiple sensory modalities at once but also dynamically rewires itself as it interacts with its environment--all while rivaling the brain's compact size and low-power usage."

Wait, the brain is a LOT bigger than most computer chips.  Most brains anyway. 

Others see even more potential applications. For example, the chips could offer earthquake detection due to "infinite patience" and being our eyes and ears on a seismic fault line in a way that would bore people, said analyst Rick Doherty, co-founder and director of the Envisioneering Group.
Anyone else read Starfish?  This sort of thing didn't work out too well for the folks in that book, why should we be any different?

Similarly, the chips could be used for a wide range of military, public health or public safety purposes, Doherty suggested.
And this doesn't strike terror into your hearts, IBM?  Maybe the corporation and its overlords wouldn't mind, but the folks building this evil thing ought to know what it'll be used to do: spying on you and your kids.

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