24 February 2012

Fear the Future

Another exciting edition of "How the World Will End!"

Add camera, battery, and you're done!  Or, done for...

13 February 2012

You know what? I fucking give up on you, asshole.

I hate you Dan Akroyd. This is beyond the god damned pale.

The question of whether or not there will be another Ghostbusters film has long been the subject of a public tug of war between beloved actor Bill Murray, who has always seemed more than skeptical about reviving the franchise, and vodka baron Dan Aykroyd, who would like to fill his many crystal skulls with riches paid in our nostalgia. But throughout their back and forth, there has at least always been the basic understanding that--even if Peter Venkman comes back only briefly, and as a CGI ghost--at least everyone would be returning to their respective roles before handing the whole operation over to the lanky guy from Criminal Minds.
No longer! Turns out, if you won't sign on to a mediocre script, Dan Aykroyd will just replace you with some other guy, even if you are GD Bill Murray.

I will no longer support a world where this is okay.  I hope everyone involved in this travesty is set on fire, and the ashes are shat upon by lepers. If you buy a ticket to see this movie I will personally punch you in the dick.  Unless you are a girl, then I will punch you in the cooter.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Seriously, not even wilco is this retarded.

In 2009, grandmother Sally Harpold was handcuffed and jailed in Indiana after she bought a box of Zyrtec-D cold medicine for her husband and a box of Mucinex D cold medicine for her adult daughter in less than a week.

So, what exactly?  She bought stuff legally in another state, used it legally in another state, and was jailed in YOUR fucking state?

I need a new god damned job.  I hate having to be represented by you god damned assholes.

OPSEC = Keep your head down

This is why you don't volunteer to be on television.

Just days after appearing on the National Geographic TV Show Doomsday Prepper, a prepper from Tennessee has been declared Mentally Defective and his guns have been seized by the government.

Why is anyone surprised?  If you show up on people's radar, especially people who don't like individual freedom (99.999% of cops) they will react.  If these people have significantly more power than you, don't have to follow the same rules as you, and are more conformist than you (again, 99.999% of cops) they will make you sorry.

Don't be a Butthead, remember OPSEC.

Keep your head down, get yourself ready, and to hell with the neighbors.  It's too late for most people anyway, and they won't appreciate being reminded they're about to lose their cable, let alone civilization.  All they'll do is lock you up.