19 November 2011

Is someone going to apologize to Mr. McDonald?

Despite what our betters have told us for the last several years, fast food is not to blame for the obesity epidemic.

The conventional wisdom goes something like this: Obesity rates are skyrocketing among the poorest Americans, therefore fast-food restaurants must be to blame.
But a new study by a professor at UC Davis' medical school has found that it's Americans with salaries at the higher end of the spectrum -- in some cases as high as $80,000 to $90,000 -- who are driving fast-food consumption at the likes of McDonald's and Burger King.
"There's a strong correlation been income and obesity," professor Paul Leigh told The Times. "And so people say, 'Oh, well, it's the fast-food restaurants that are causing obesity among the poor.' But that's not true. To focus on fast-food restaurants as the sole cause of obesity is incorrect."

What?  You mean it's not the eeeeeevil corporations conspiring to make us all into fatty-Patties? 


Obviously, Ronald McDonald is to blame for forcing me to eat the whole damn thing.

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