31 July 2011

Detroit: collapse case study

The city of Detroit is planning to focus city services on neighborhoods "with more people and a better chance of survival."  This is rational, and will probably be effective, and will undoubtedly cause the mayor to be killed by an angry mob of "youths."

Is this how a slow collapse would look?  While the article says that Fire/EMS and Police services will continue throughout the city, I would suppose that neighborhoods that have more of what little money Detroit is able to scrape up invested in them will receive priority.  It's not even that hard to do, simply close the outlying substations, and consolidate precincts.  That way police patrol is necesssarily centered in the areas that have "a better chance of survival" and if there are competing calls for Ambulance or Fire Services, the ones nearest the substations (and likely the hospitals) will be served first.

It's called triage.  No one likes it, but it's fairly often necessary, and it's why if the collapse of the western world were a band aid, I'd prefer to rip it off, rather than take it off slowly.  Either way, it's going to hurt, and there will be HUGE injustices, but the sooner it's done, the sooner we can rebuild.

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