14 December 2011

For several reasons

I'm linking to this little piece for a few reasons.  First, as I think I have mentioned, I'm not a fan of the boomer generation, and I like it when other people beat up on them.

I also like that the author puts the blame at the feet of "the greatest generation." I've felt for a long time that those old shits have been resting on their laurels since they got home from the War. If they hadn't gone half-hard when they came back, I'm sure their kids wouldn't have turned into god-damned dirty apes... er, hippies.  (Same thing, really, though apes tend to smell better.)

And if you'd done a better job, asshole, we could have colonized it, but you left most of it intact.  You and your generation are the WORST imperialist aggressors in history, with the exception of your kids.

Mostly though, I like this bit:

That about captures the asshattery that is the Baby Boomer generation and how they've caused utter economic and cultural stagnation as they've built their idol to Mammon, which is not a Golden Calf, but rather a Golden Mirror.

It just has a nice little ring to it, and since February is coming up, and with it my yearly re-read on the bible, it really caught my attention.

That is all.

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