Answer: the enemy.
So firmly entrenched is our matrimonial role reversal as we go about our activities that most restaurant servers and hotel clerks and salespeople automatically gravitate to my wife and give her all the appropriate attention and deference. When we walk in to a store, or sit down at a table, it’s like I don’t exist. They always address their questions to her, as they should. I assist them in their perceptions of power, I’m sure, by default. I emit absolutely no pay-attention-to-me, head-of-household, decision-maker vibes. This is not by design, but by long practice. It simply never occurs to me. I don’t look up expectantly at approaching waiters or waitresses. If they look at me or address me, I’m not impolite, but rather than respond directly, I defer to her. Without thinking. It is almost automatic that I look at my wife when a question is asked of me.So this is what, then? The inevitable destination of feminism? Is a complete switching of the gender roles the short-haired ugly women hated going to make them suddenly nice to be around? Is this what those women really want?
In fact, it is always jarring to me in social settings to see a husband question his wife’s authority, or make some macho remark, to dare to contradict her or to sound off on any subject whatever.
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This is a photo from that site. It is provided un-ironically, and if that doesn't tell you a lot about the mindset of these people, you can't be my friend. |
This is like a photo negative of a caricature of the "Father Knows Best" household. I would bet almost anything you name that a male-run household like this was a vanishingly rare thing even during those decades we were taught to think of as worse than the holocaust, i.e. the 50's and first half of the 60's.
They need a formal acknowledgement on the part of the woman that she is in charge and there is an expectation that he will obey her. They need this notion reinforced through task lists, through overt control of his activities, through orgasm denial, through whatever it is that works for both halves of the couple. Yes, a woman that is truly in control in her relationship could choose to do none of these things. However, if she seeks to build a stronger tie with her husband, she needs to nurture his submission and fulfill his needs in much the same way that he needs to satisfy hers.Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously, they cannot believe this is a workable solution for more than a strange sad little minority of freakshow escapees, right?
The funniest part for me, is that all the photos of women on the sites are of the "slutty wonder woman" or classic hollywood sexpot variety. This is funny for two reasons; first though all the pictures they show are like these:
I'd bet money the authors look a little more like this:
The second reason it's funny is that it seems like no matter how hard they protest that the male centric view of the world is evil and naughty and to be fought against, they still pander to us. They could be doing this for several reasons, but two seem most likely to me.
First, maybe they're using it as a sort of advertising. "Look guys, hot chicks want to treat you like shit, because we were told by hairy legged ugly women from the sixties that their mothers were treated like shit by their fathers, or something."
Second, maybe we men have actually NOT been foisting a crazy idea of feminine beauty on the world. Maybe it's NOT Madison avenue that makes Barbie dolls sell like sweet-cheeks (or hot-cakes, whatever). Maybe, just MAYBE, there is an actual objective standard of beauty. Maybe this standard of beauty is SO damnably universal that even when women get out from under our boot-heels, they can't wait to climb under the four inch stilletos of the SAME DAMN STANDARD.
I dunno. Maybe it was Utah.
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